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Welcome to my homepage! My name is Giuseppe Della Penna (as you may guess from the page header…), I’m a Ph.D. in Computer Science and I work as an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) at the University of L’Aquila in L’Aquila, Italy.

I am currently the Head of the Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree courses in Computer Science offered by DISIM.

My primary research interests are formal methods, applied to a variety of contexts ranging from formal languages to software verification (model checking), planning and knowledge engineering. From the menu you can access the complete list of my publications and read detailed information about my current research activity.

My current teaching activity includes the Web Engineering, Sviluppo Web Avanzato and Laboratorio di Basi di Dati courses. Students can use the teaching menu to access the course pages and all the related teaching material. I am also the tutor of the Master Degree in Computer Science students, managing all the issues concerning their study plan.

Finally, I am the supervisor of several theses in computer science. Students can look at the theses page to see if there is any thesis available that matches their interests (currently there are 2 unassigned thesis proposals), or look at the thesis works currently assigned and completed.

My other interests include… obviously, computer science! You can look at my GitHub page for my current development projects.